
Showing posts from December 3, 2018


提比里安发音法 (英语:The Tiberian vocalization 希伯来语:ניקוד טַבְרָנִי) 此发音法是由玛所拉学者发明的一种变音符号,用于希伯来语,能较好的标出元音,重音及辅音,胜过巴比伦及巴勒斯坦发音法,在希伯来语中占主导地位。 提比里安发音法 这是一篇與语言或语言学相關的小作品。你可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。 查 论 编 This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

How do I keep the government from detecting my flying car?

up vote 36 down vote favorite 6 Eureka! Mary Sue has just finished her unobtainium-based levitation engine that should be able to deliver payloads to orbit for less than the price of a Tootsie Roll, and will allow her to start operating her own space agency! She's ready for her first test flight to make sure it's all working, but -- Well, you see, she's not sure she wants the government (EDIT: or anybody, really) muscling in on her little operation. She should have some sort of cloaking device rolling out of the old noggin in a couple months or so, but by golly, she wants to go to space now . Assuming that the maneuverability of her modified family car is limited only by the squishiness of the pilot and the detectable power signature of the engine itself slightly less than the average toaster that you forgot to plug ...