
Showing posts from March 11, 2019

XPS 13 14.04 TouchPad, Mouse, sound

0 the last week of Feb 2019 I got some updates that disabled my sound, initially, after a reboot that ask about MOK Management. As I was updating and changing things, 2 more auto updates came through and finally i got sound, but my wireless mouse broke. My wifi quit at one point, too, but now it works and I have sound, somehow. If I install "synaptic-i2c-hid-3.13.0-32-backport driver in DKMS format", my TouchPad works and my mouse doesn't. If I disable it with "Software & Updates" the mouse works. I really need both to work in case the mouse is unavailable. Help! 14.04 updates mouse touchpad dell share | improve this question ...


B2B (英文: business-to-business ),也称“ 公对公 ”,指的是企業間通过電子商務的方式進行交易,相對於B2C的銷售方式是企業對顧客。舉例來說,一間賣免洗餐具的工廠,若它主要的出貨對象為餐廳,這就是B2B的模式,由餐廳提供免洗餐具給使用者,餐厅对使用者这种模式为B2C。B2B也泛指企業間的市場活動,不侷限於最終交易對象的認定。另外,B2B也指企業間定義業務型態的方式。譬如有一間公司是以影印機的租用業務為主,這就是一種B2B型態的銷售組織。B2B著重於企業間網絡的建立、供應鏈體系的穩固。B2C需要靠規模經濟的方式,吸引購買、降低售價來增加利潤,而B2B不用靠規模,而是靠企業間網絡的建立穩固其銷售。 其它相關的電子商務交易方式有:B2C;C2C。 This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

How do I run a single command at startup using systemd?

76 32 I'd like to startup an Apache Spark cluster after boot using the following command: sudo ./path/to/spark/sbin/ Then run this command when the system prepares to reboot/shutdown: sudo ./path/to/spark/sbin/ How can I get started? Is there a basic template I can build on? I've tried to use an extremely simple (file: /lib/systemd/system/spark.service ): [Unit] Description=Spark service [Service] ExecStart=sudo ./path/to/spark/sbin/ Which doesn't work. startup systemd share | improve this question edited Mar 8 at 22:39 Anthon ...