
Showing posts from December 4, 2018

Thunderbird confusion about feeds and folders

up vote 0 down vote favorite I am somewhat confused as to how Thunderbird handles feed subscriptions. Under "Blogs & News Feeds", I have created a folder called "Jobs", and put several RSS subscriptions there, which appear as children under "Jobs". However, I noticed some subscriptions (like were missing from the tree, however, the articles appear whenever I select "Jobs" directly. Upon investigating this, I found that each feed appeared to be in its own subscription folder. I've tried to move the subscriptions directly into the jobs folder, and ended up with this mess (see picture). The structure under Subscriptions does not appear to be mirrored in the main window. Furthermore, when I remove subscriptions, their messages still appear in the folders. Is this a bug? It se...


光熙 306年六月-十二月 政权 西晋 君主 晋惠帝司马衷 历时 7个月 光熙在西晋及晋惠帝时期的位置 光熙 (306年六月-十二月)是西晋皇帝晋惠帝司马衷的第九个年号,共计7个月。 光熙元年十一月晋惠帝死,晋怀帝司馬熾即位沿用。次年改元永嘉元年。 纪年 光熙 元年 公元 306年 干支 丙寅 成汉 建兴三年 晏平元年 前赵 元熙三年 参看 中国年号索引 参考文献 李崇智,《中国历代年号考》,中华书局,2004年12月 ISBN 7101025129 前一年號: 永兴 中国年号 下一年號: 永嘉 查 论 编 魏晋南北朝年号 三国 曹魏 黄初 → 太和 → 青龙 → 景初 → 正始 → 嘉平 → 正元 → 甘露 → 景元 → 咸熙 其他割据势力 绍汉 蜀汉 章武 → 建兴 → 延熙 → 景耀 → 炎兴 孫吳 黄武 → 黄龙 → 嘉禾 → 赤烏 → 太元 → 神凤 → 建兴 → 五鳳 → 太平 → 永安 → 元兴 → 甘露 → 宝鼎 → 建衡 → 凤凰 → 天册 → 天玺 → 天纪 晋朝 西晋 泰始 → 咸宁 → 太康 → 太熙 → 永熙 → 永平 → 元康 → 永康 → 永宁 → 太安 → 永安 → 建武 → 永安 → 永兴 → 光熙 → 永嘉 → 建兴 东晋 建武 → 大兴 → 永昌 → 太宁 → 咸和 → 咸康 → 建元 → 永和 → 升平 → 隆和 → 兴宁 → 太和 → 咸安 → 宁康 → 太元 → 隆安 → 元兴 → 隆安 → 大亨 → 元兴 → 永始 → 天康 → 义熙 → 元熙 其他割据势力 建康、凤凰 五胡十六国 前趙 元熙 → 永凤 → 河瑞 → 光兴 → 嘉平 → 建元 → 麟嘉 → 汉昌 → 光初 其他...

Where and when to pronounce O as A and when to pronounce it as O?

up vote 8 down vote favorite Is there any rule of thumb of where and when to pronounce O (in Ukrainian words) as /a/ and when to pronounce it as /o/? Is it supposed to be like in Russian language? фонетика share | improve this question asked Nov 29 at 11:04 Ubiquitous Student 233 1 8 add a comment  |  up vote 8 down vote favorite ...