Session/startup custom code does not run (correctly) on Xubuntu 16.04/18.04
In a nutshell: it appears code I add to my session & startup menu does not get run (correctly). Some examples: compiz --replace & dropbox stop && dbus-launch dropbox start & pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover & When I a) reboot or b) log out, I have to run this code via xfrun regardless to have it function. I have been having this issue in my previous install of Xubuntu 16.04 and now still in my new install 18.04 & I would like to finally fix it. I have been searching on google trying to find some sort of log to try and trouble shoot this, but so far no dice. I have been using search terms like: xubuntu autostart applications log xubuntu session log xubuntu startup log xubuntu troubleshoot application autostart xubuntu application autostart not working I foun...