PTIJ: Where did Achashverosh's years wander off to?
I was sleeping through Megillas Esther and suddently the Baal Koreh screamed the beginning of Esther 6:1 rousing me from my slumber: בלילה ההוא נדדה שנת המלך ויאמר להביא את־ספר הזכרנות דברי הימים ויהיו נקראים לפני המלך On that night, the years of Achashverosh wandered and he said to bring the book of chronicles and they should be read before the king. I was still half asleep but I couldn't help but wonder: What does it mean for years to wander? Did Achashversoh give several years of his life to someone else? If yes, who? If not where did those years wander off to? Are they still there? Does this have anything to do with Achashverosh's inability to count 70 years? This question is Purim Torah and is not intended to be taken completely seriously. See the Purim Torah policy.