
Showing posts from January 26, 2019

Cannot access Ubuntu Core ~/.bashrc

0 I've installed Ubunt Core 16.04 on Raspberry Pi 3 (armv7). I've also installed python package using snap, but unfotunately I can't run it out of the box. The executable file of the snap package not installed to default bin PATH, so I should export this path : /snap/python36-jamesh/23/bin The problem is, I can't edit the ~/.bashrc using pre-installed nano. It said that permission denied. What I can do about it? Terminal Permission Denied Warning ubuntu-core raspberrypi share | improve this question edited Jan 24 at 0:54 Theve ...

Asus mb189b driver does not working on Ubuntu 18.10

0 Where can I find working drivers from this USB monitor? Here there are only for Ubuntu 18.04 When i try to install these one, this is the report: Verifying archive integrity... All good. Uncompressing DisplayLink Linux Driver 4.4.24 DisplayLink Linux Software 4.4.24 install script called: install Distribution discovered: Ubuntu 18.10 Installing Configuring EVDI DKMS module Registering EVDI kernel module with DKMS Building EVDI kernel module with DKMS ERROR (code 3): Failed to build evdi/4.4.24. Consult /var/lib/dkms/evdi/4.4.24/build/make.log for details. multiple-monitors share | improve this question ...