
Showing posts from April 14, 2019

How to test the equality of two Pearson correlation coefficients computed from the same sample?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty{ margin-bottom:0; } 3 2 $begingroup$ Is there a reliable way to say if two Pearson correlations from the same sample (do not) differ significantly? More concrete, I calculated the correlation between a total score on a questionnaire and an other variable, and a subscore of the same questionnaire and the variable. The correlations are respectively .239 and .234, so they look quite similar to me. (The other two subscales did not significantly correlate with the variable). Could I use a fisher Z to check if the two correlations indeed do not significantly differ, or is the fact that they are not independent a problem? hypothesis-testing