
Showing posts from March, 2019

What is the proper word?

1 I have a question....( referring to a car that is in storage 6 months of the year) what is the proper word. It is only "drove" half the year, or It is only "driven" half the year. word-choice share | improve this question asked 2 days ago Peggy Peggy 11 1 New contributor Peggy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering. Check out our Code of Conduct. ...


王汧 ,字 匯川 ,山西人,清朝官員。貢生出身。 生平 王汧於1724年(雍正2年)擔任台灣府淡水捕盜同知。台灣府淡水捕盜同知又稱淡水同知,為台灣清治時期的重要地方官員,官職品等為正五品,專司北台灣內政,為駐守於淡水廳的地方父母官。因為當時淡水廳管轄區域約今台灣基隆至新竹,因此實為北台灣的統治者。 他的主要貢獻為確定「以撫代剿」之原住民政策,1726年曾參與「骨宗事件」的水沙連之役,擔任北軍參將何勉的先鋒部隊。 針對平埔族,上書御史尹泰,設置各「番社」社田,依規模大小設置五百甲至三百甲,以為耕獵之地,各立界碑。除此之外草地,才可悉令招墾。 參見 淡水廳 參考文獻 劉寧顏編,《重修台灣省通志》,台北市,台灣省文獻委員會,1994年。 官衔 前任: 無(首任) 台灣府淡水補盜同知 1724年上任 繼任: 劉裕 This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

What does “back up” mean in this dialog?

0 It's from a lecture. Professor: So I wanted to discuss a few other terms here ... actually, some, uh, some ideas about how we manage our resources. Let’s talk about what that …what that means. If we take a resource like water. ..well, maybe we should get a little bit more specific here- back up from the more general case-and talk about underground water in particular. So hydrogeologists have tried to figure out... how much water can you take out from underground sources? This has been an important question.Let me ask you guys: how much water, based on what you know so far, could you take out of, say, an aquifer... under the city? I don't understand the phrase "back up" in "maybe we should get a little bit more specific here- back up from the more general case-and talk about undergro...